In the movie, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Bruce Wayne created an armored Bat-suit to combat Superman, the heralded hope of mankind. Square Enix has carefully recreated the appearance of that suit with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Armored Batman Play Arts Kai figure. In addition to the flexible materials used in various parts, the armored Bat-suit is contrasted the hard metallic edges with flowing organic details of cloth-like texturing on the cape. Tiny nicks, scratches and weathering on the armor show the Dark Knight’s battle scars.
This Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Armored Batman Play Arts Kai action figure’s eyes are painted with a pearlescent paint, making them look almost as if they are glowing! The deep emotions springing from beneath his heavy armor can be expressed through a wide range of action poses with so much articulation. The Caped Crusader is well-prepared, with accessories including a grenade launcher and various interchangeable hand pieces as well as a figure display stand!
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