Based on the Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans television series, the original form of the Gundam Kimaris was used by the founder of the Bauduin family during the Calamity War. Now, it appears over 300 years later and piloted by Gaelio Bauduin. Gundam Kimaris Vidar’s equipment is meant to give an advantage in zero gravity space combat. Aggressive weapon load out is faithfully replicated in this model kit.
High Grade Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Kimaris Vidar ASW-G-66 1/144 #035 Model Kit
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Sold Out – For Informational Purposes Only
- Accessories include drill lance with integrated Dansleif railgun, sword, sub-arm shield units, and knee drill with large oversized drill bit.
- Kimaris Vidar is about 5″ tall
- Colored plastic, little to no paint required to replicate appearance
- Dimensions: 5.00″ x 2.00″ x 1.00″
CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts, sharp points, and other elements not for children under 3 yrs.
Out of stock
Weight | 0.94 lbs |
Dimensions | 12.00 × 7.00 × 5.00 in |
MPN | BAN212963 |
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